Oculus has been giving the Gear VR version of Smashing the Battle some extra promotional coverage recently and his next game (Smashing the Gunfight) will probably be a Touch launch title, so I imagine he's extra wary of doing anything to offend them unfortunately. I also noticed recently that the Steam version has twice as many pieces of unlockable fan art, as many of the more risque pieces were removed from the Oculus version. Basically the VR version did launch with the 'covered up' costumes, as the dev was worried about offending people, then he patched in the skimpy costumes and later removed them again after he apparently received complaints (I honestly don't know who from, but whatever). Hi, I made a post about this a while ago here, including a response from the developer. No low effort submissions memes, gifs, image macros, etc.Read the FAQ before posting a question.This is a place for friendly VR discussion, so don’t start drama, attack, or bait other redditors.New Oculus owner? Thinking about buying one? Just have questions? Click here for the subreddit wiki! Rules of the Oculus Subreddit Welcome to /r/Oculus, a place for Oculus fans to discuss VR.